We’re pretty confident that everyone knows by now just how harmful the use of carbon and its burning product CO2 is, both for humans and for our planet. When you need your company to have a new website or if you…
Anaerobic digestion can help UK reach renewable energy targets
While the EU pushes as hard as they can in order to achieve their “20% green by 2020” goal, the wind, solar and other alternate energy sources alone do not seem to make it. Luckily, such an additional energy source as…
Learning from India’s power revolution
When a country so unstable in the sense of demographics, economics and GDP growth as India is, sets an example for some developed countries of the world, we need to listen. The recent green energy boom that exploded. When you need…
Smart grid technology innovation is gathering momentum
In a world where everything is stated to become “smart”, the energy grids seem to be just the next thing in line. Considering how important those are for our daily life, now wonder that hundreds of patents were filed in the…